I didn't look at the actual chart but just read your assessment.
Since Julian moved so many times, what if you put Uranus in the 4th? to get a rough idea of his ascendant. (It could also indicate lots of electronics/internet in the home.) What transits/progressions could equate to his house burning down.
I remember reading about Sun/Uran in the one of the Forrest books and thought, thank god there are people like that. You need people like that around to hold firm and fast and start the revolution. I have a friend with Sun op Uran and the father description fits his situation to a T.
A couple concerns about the Family-- did JA get involved with that cult? Because intelligence is all wound up with them. I'd wonder if they got hold of him and are using him in the way described here: http://cotocrew.wordpress.com/2010/04/29/corydon-hammond-cults-ritual-abuse-and-mind-control/
Finally I came across this today. The press never really hyped Wikileaks that much, but all of a sudden, a huge uproar. So this seemed reasonable: ttp://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/will-wikileaks-hype-be-used-to-justify-an-internet-crackdown/
Astrology is the bomb. Thanks for this, Matt-- keep 'em coming.
Over at DarkStarAstrology they were speculating about Uranus (instability, sudden departures) in the 4th (the father) and that Pluto (rage) might be on his IC (directed at home/culture/klan of origin).
I know for his solar return for this year his MC is Aquariuis, talk about fitting.
(MC = your job description, Aquarius = the Exile, the Genius, the Outlaw)